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SVTN J.D. van der Waals




SVTN “J.D. van der Waals” is the study association for Applied Physics students at the Eindhoven University of Technology. It is most commonly known as “Van der Waals”. It was founded on the 6th of October 1960 an is named after the famous Dutch physicist and Nobel laureate Johannes Diderik van der Waals.

The main goal of the study association is to guard the interests of Applied Physics students. It tries to show the students all perspectives of physics by organising company excursions, lectures, symposia and study tours. Besides these career activities the association also organises lots of leisure activities like; sport competitions, parties, the weekly Borrel, weekend trips and many other fun activities. (to strengthen the bond between its members)

Van der Waals tries to accommodate interaction between students and other department members since it thinks that these are vital for itself and its members. Van der Waals’ biggest strength is the large share of active members. Out of the more than 900 members a quarter is active within the association. This is due to the fact that almost all Applied Physics students automatically become member of Van der Waals. Active members not only participate in Van der Waals activities, they also help in organising these activities. By becoming a member of one of the many committees within Van der Waals, students can learn and gain experience in more practical skills. However it is of course very rewarding to organise cool and successful activities for your fellow students

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