1 hours/week
Dutch & English
The problems that impact our world today are complex, and the urgency with which they present themselves necessitates rapid breakthrough innovation. The Eindhoven Engine has taken on this challenge and strives to improve the innovation speed in the Brainport Region.
Inspired by some of the world’s most renown institutes, its aim is to create an open, inspiring, and vibrant innovation environment in which talented people (academics, professionals, and students) from various disciplines join forces and share knowledge, expertise, and ideas to develop revolutionary technologies that will help to tackle societal problems. The Eindhoven Engine currently has 26 projects running in very diverse application areas, including healthcare, civil engineering, energy transition. By connecting these projects (co-location, webinars, mini-workshops), transforming mind-sets, and sponsoring extra activities to stimulate interaction and cross-fertilization, the innovation speed of the projects and the region improves.
The challenges of the Eindhoven Engine are diverse and continuously evolving. Working together, people with complementary strengths, knowledge, skills, and networks have the potential to turn nascent ideas into game-changing solutions. But such intellectual collaboration is not without its obstacles and requests game changing management. Highly ambitious teams may crumble under the weight of their potential when conflicting perspectives, personality clashes, and power struggles threaten team cohesion, trust, and information sharing, thereby inhibiting teams’ competitive edge and hampering their overall effectiveness.
There are various possible assignments in the domain of organization design and management, human interactions (trust, knowledge sharing, problem solving) creativity and innovation, and life-long learning.
What does Eindhoven Engine offer you?